Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fun outside

We seem to ride out bikes every night now and Trevor and I can't wait until Alaire learns to peddle. We should have just spent the extra money and bought the bike with the tall handle but I'm a cheap skate and think, oh out parents did it so I guess we can kill our backs in the process of pushing her now too.

We have a cook-out this weekend at church and I'm taking a huge parachute for the kids to play with. We got it out tonight to try it out but it was so big that Trevor and I ended up holding the ends and the kids ran down the alley. Finally we got smart and called Miss Molly and the kids to come down and help us. They thought it was hilarious and it ended up that it was Trevor, Molly, and me holding it with all of the kids running inside. 


oma said...

You would never guess from the happy smile on his face, that Ellis ever acted up so much at Target! Glad to see that the "chute" will be a HIT this weekend!

Anonymous said...

that last picture of ellis is so funny he looks like a little prep!