Sunday, May 03, 2009

Ghetto Fabulous

I mentioned this a long time ago but I never actually posted a picture. 

Let me give you the quick version. 

  • We had a canvas swing that Alaire loved. 
  • The swing ripped and Alaire's bum fell through.
  • Mommy attempted to repair with duck tape and it worked wonderfully! 
  • Another hole and mommy gave up and ripped all of the canvas off. 
  • The mother of all Duck Tape swings was created! (the duct tape canopy is in the works).


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Love it. You know that they make duct tape in many different colors. Let's just see how good you are. Wonder which gene pool this talent came from?

Anonymous said...

this is HILARIOUS! i love how inventive you were... and the silver look is oh so modern, i think!

Andrea said...

Hilarious! Good thing it's not in your front yard or I'm sure your neighbors would just love those crazy people who moved there from Kansas! =)

oma said...

Can't wait to see the pictures of the canopy! Great job.

maren said...

hahahaa... fabulous!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen!