Saturday, May 02, 2009

We Are Back in Business

We bought a new camera last night so we are back in business and here are the pictures to prove it!

This is Eli's new favorite place to hang out in the yard. He really is the weirdest dog ever!

Trevor's Ministry Assistant, Amanda has MS. We all love her bunches so when we were invited to walk in the MS walk today we were all for it. Alaire loved the treats afterwards and even let her brother ride with her in the BOB when his little feet could carry him no further. 

This is Ellis with Amanda. He acts so shy around her but he absolutely adores her. Her husband is a firefighter so she has a lot going for her in Ellis' book!


oma said...

Looks like it was a beautiful day for a walk. Thank goodness for strollers! (I didn't realize Amanda had MS.) So neat that so many participated!

katy said...

Alaire's hat is precious! It looks like you got a great new camera! I love the pictures.