Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mother's Day

In true Oakes fashion we celebrated Mother's Day tonight a few days early. With Trevor and I working at 2 different sites on Sundays and Child Recognition this Sunday too I just knew my idea of celebrating would be sleeping !

We have come to terms with the fact that any holiday that falls on a Sunday or involves church gets really hectic for our family so we do it Oakes style and celebrate whenever we want. 

We went out to dinner and then stopped at Coldstone for some ice cream. We also put new tires on the Dango today..... yippee, but at least we can cross it off the list.


Anonymous said...

Love Love Love Alaire's smile in that first picture!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Happy Mother's Day...and what kind of ice cream did we all have. I know that is why the smiles are so big

Anonymous said...

I menat the last picture

oma said...

Sounds like you had a Great Mother's Day! What an interesting gift. But, your ride should be safer now and you ARE precious cargo!!!

sheltonfamily said...

What fun pictures! Are you in Boulder? Happy Mother's Day!