Friday, April 03, 2009

Guess who's turn it was today!

This is how our morning started out. Ellis awoke with a fever, Alaire with a nasty bed, and Trevor with a stomach that was basically saying, "its your turn!" By the time I took this picture Alaire was already in her 3rd pair of PJ's, but check her out, despite the hair in her face and the paci in her mouth I can still see a smile! 

Thankfully, today seemed to be a little better than yesterday. You really wouldn't even know Alaire had been sick through the night if you saw her and after a little time in bed this morning with dad Ellis was feeling much better too. Trevor slept most of the morning and then had bouts all afternoon where he thought he was cured...... thought!

We were all feeling well enough tonight to go for an after dinner walk.... well I guess it was an after dinner walk for those of us that ate dinner!

Our walk ended up being a short one. I had been to a friends house to pick some things up an hour or two before and by the time we went back out to walk around the block I think the temperature had dropped at least 10 or 15 degrees and the clouds were a little to eery looking to stay out for too long. 


katy said...

Oh man, you all have had a rough few days! I hope that the bug leaves you all alone for a LONG while!

OMA said...

I was hoping Trevor was going to miss out on this one.... no such luck. Praying you are better an able to stay that way!

Erin said...

Oh no! I hope you guys are all better! What a week. Bet you could use a week off from laundry. :)