Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sick Again!

She is the one that started this crazy mess. Not that it was her fault or anything but it all started with the 3 a.m. wake-up scream that we have unfortunately become accustomed to this winter. Wednesday night/Thursday morning Trevor was showering all of the nastiness off of her and I was changing her sheets. She slept on me for the remainder of the morning and Trevor and I had nightmares of what was to come. Today she is loving the popsicles that daddy picked up at the store and aside from a few nasty diapers seems to be back to normal.

Our nightmares became a reality last night. I slept sound until about 1 a.m. and it was my turn to let all the germs run through my system. I thought I had gotten it all out and was ready for bed again when the 3 a.m. call came from Ellis' room. He had already undressed himself and was requesting the sick blanket in mommy and daddy's bed. The poor thing cried and cried, "I didn't want to get sick this time Mommy." We spent the rest of the night/morning with him and by morning we were already counting the hours until nap time. Ellis was fine by morning, ate lunch and played as usual. I on the other hand am still feeling a little rough, I think the 2 nights of very little sleep have hit me hard. Thankfully Trevor was able to stay home both days to help take care of everyone. He has been a champ, making lunch and dinner, refilling gatorade and pedialite cups, changing sheets, giving baths...the list just goes on. As you can see they were feeling much better by this evening. We even went out and played in the backyard for a while; might as well enjoy it before the snow comes this weekend. Ellis went to bed with a fever but I will take a fever over puke any day!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I think you need to open all the doors and windows and freeze that bug outof ayour houe. Get a bleach and water spray bottle and scrub everything down, the hit the toys with it. Maybe this snow will kill it all.

Leslie and Mike said...

I agree with your Mom......... Opening the windows was something I always did. It helped my mind feel like I was doing something right, anyway. The cleaning of everything is always fun too.
Now, we hope Trevor doesn't come down (or up) with it.

sheltonfamily said...

Oh yuck.... I always get it worse than the kids as well... I hope everyone feels better.. it is the worst thing when the whole family gets it. I hope Trevor stays well... enjoy the snow.