Monday, April 06, 2009

Boy Golf Outing

Ellis got to go golfing today with Daddy. To say he was excited about it would be an understatement. We drive by this course almost every day and he has been asking and asking when he could play. We kept saying when the snow melts, when it gets warmer, when it is not so windy (you get the idea.) Today it was in the 50's so I guess they thought it was warm enough. 

We shampooed carpets most of the morning and then the boys headed out. Trevor said Ellis never stopped and he will sleep wonderfully tonight. I guess he is a pretty good hitter. The only bummers of the outing were that there was no water on the course and that they had to come home for a nap. (I guess the water jug half way through was a high point for him when he went golfing last year.) Daddy forgot to warn Ellis when they were at the last hole the the ride home was a little sad.


Kendra White said...

ok i showed this post to eric and he was so excited... he is COUNTING down the days until he can take JH... what a fun memory they boys made! Now just wait until you and little miss go and get your first mani/pedi!

katy said...

So cute! It looks like at least Ellis and Trevor are feeling better! :)

OMA said...

Gotta love that "stance"! Glad they had a fun time together. Golf is great for together time. (How did your carpets turn out?)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Look out Tiger...he's coming your way!