Tuesday, April 07, 2009

18 Month "Well" Child Visit

Ellis and I took Alaire for her 18 month well child check-up today. It was scheduled for last 
Thursday but when Ellis and I both woke up puking that day I decided to reschedule. Today's puker was Alaire. (Yes this is becoming so 'normal' at our house that we just name the daily puker.) I called to ask if they wanted me to reschedule and the nurse said I may as well come in and get her looked at especially since they could bill it to our insurance as a "well" visit instead of the pricier "sick" visit. 

We went in and had all of the usual measurements and things done first. 
Height: 32.5 inches 75%
Weight: 21 lbs. 2 oz. 20% (She has lost weight with all of this sickness)
Head circumference: 18.25 inches 60%

Then the doctor came in did his thing pretty quickly. We spent the remainder of our time talking about the virus that has decided to put up camp in our house and live amongst us. He said it was likely the rotavirus again (the only way to know for sure would be to do stool tests), the same thing the kids had in late Jan. early Feb. He guessed that we probably had at least a week more left of it and really couldn't say if it would make another visit before high tailing it out of here. He said all we could really do is make sure they are getting enough fluids and listen to my gut when attempting to come up with something for them to eat. This really isn't a problem as Ellis is finally eating everything in sight again and I can tell when Alaire isn't feeling well because she won't eat at all. This is the weirdest illness I have ever seen. They puke (only in the middle of the night) and puddle their pants one day and then for 3 days that act totally normal just to start at the very beginning again on the 3rd or 4th night.

So we are stuck here for probably another week. I'm thinking this will be remembered as the grossest winter in our short history! To look on the bright side, hopefully our immune systems will be as strong as steel next winter!


Andrea said...

Yuck, I am so sorry you guys are dealing with this. I would totally be going stir crazy right about now. I will pray that this darn virus high-tails it out of there...STAT!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I can only imagine what the house must smell like. Open the windows and freeze that darn virus out!

OMA said...

You must all be so exhausted! Your washer and dryer are really getting a workout! Hope "well" days are ahead of you and you'll really be able to enjoy the warmer weather .... whenever it finally decides to show up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bummer for sick kids. I can't believe it is happening again already...I'm sure you think the same thing. Spring is almost here to stay and all of this yuck with go away (hopefully). I did have to laugh at Alaire's stats though, I don't know how tall Silas is, but I weighed him the other night and it was 24 lbs...SHEESH! We'll be praying for better days!

Anonymous said...

Mine already is an Iron Stomach.


Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Oh, I'm sorry about this! We did this for about a month one fall and it was AWFUL!!