Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Part 1: Friday

First I must say..... I'm so sorry that I didn't get her a hair clip before we started all of this.

You may remember me telling you about the deal we worked out in the past with Santa Claus and how he comes to our house a little early if the need arises. We talked to the Easter Bunny this year and set up a deal with him as well. Trevor had to be at the church by or before 7 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday so we decided Friday morning would be our Easter basket day. 

The bunny actually hid the baskets and provided Ellis and Alaire with ten clues to help them find where they were. Ellis loved the idea of a hunt and Alaire was just happy to be along for the ride. We tried to go easy on what the bunny brought, we didn't want to set the standard to high, but they thought they had hit the jack pot. Alaire was so thrilled with her new pretty Easter shoes and Ellis was so excited to get a nerf dart gun.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

What a clever EB you have. I remember when your hair was growing out too...enough to drive you crazy!

oma said...

Hunting the "Basket" with clues makes it so much fun for everyone.

(For some reason, I think Alaire really reminds me of Aria & Meira in these pics.)