Thursday, March 05, 2009

The world through swimming goggles

For some reason these pictures have loaded backwards so let's just go with it okay! 

Tonight we met Nana Kelli, Steve, Ms. Kimmi, Mr. Chris, Chloe and Ireland at DQ. This is one of our all time favorite activities and tonight was no exception! We camped out in the little lounge area and had a blast hanging out together. 

Skip to the bottom for the full story of Ellis' new goggles. 

We picked Oma up at the airport this morning and she came baring gifts. Ellis got a bell for his bike, Alaire got some rainbow pretties that she has had on since they came out of the package. I got a package of dark chili chocolate that I have stored away for a nap time in the near future, and Trevor got a package of pistachios that he has already finished off. 

Oma noticed the sunset tonight as Trevor stood outside and grilled our hamburgers. They are always pretty but tonight was extra cool so I snapped a shot of it.

Now she smiles with her hand in her mouth. The bottom molars have come through but she is still working on the top ones. 

Ellis has been so excited for Oma to get here. He really really wants to take her to the "Ocean" (Rec. Center) and he somehow got it in his head that he must get goggles to use when they went swimming. Almost as soon as she got here we went to Walmart to find a pair. We found some Batman ones and he has been sporting them ever since Ms. Amanda let us borrow her scissors to get them out of their package. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I loooovvveeee chili chocolate! It is so good! Hope you guys have a great time at the ocean!