Monday, March 09, 2009

Oma is here and we are keeping her busy!!

Oma is here!! I had women's retreat this weekend in Estes Park and Trevor was supposed to have a discipleship retreat with the leadership in the youth group so she came out to watch the kids for us. Trevor's think ended up getting cancelled but Oma still got to come and hang out with us for the week. 

We have been pretty busy and we all know the busier we get the less pictures I seem to take. They went to the "Ocean" (Rec center) while I was at retreat, we took her to church with us (both sites), went to the library, out to eat, and lots more stuff too!! 

Tonight we all went to Uncle Rick and Aunt Nancy's for dinner with GG. Ellis and Alaire seemed to really like watching Oma play the piano for them.

Alaire loves Oma's cheesy mashed potatoes!

Oma was so patient with Ellis at the Library's art table. He kind of has a mind of his own when it comes to art project's 

1 comment:

katy said...

Looks like you all are having fun and staying busy! I hope the retreat went well!