Wednesday, March 04, 2009


We have been teaching Ellis to buckle himself into his car seat. He is doing really well and can now put his arms in and latch the chest strap. He still needs help with the bottom buckle, but for some reason him being able to do the first part on his own has caused Trevor and I to totally neglect fastening the other portion for him. He is continually yelling from the back, "hey, you forgot to buckle me."

Tonight we were in a rush to meet Trevor for dinner and when I had made it about a 1/2 mile down the highway near our house Ellis said, "mom, I'm not buckled" It puts him into hysterics when he isn't buckled so I had to come up with a plan quickly. There wasn't really anywhere to pull over so I just tried to buckle him while I was driving. He sits directly behind the driver's seat so try to imagine it, I'm driving the Durango, staying in my lane at 45 mph. and I DID IT! I'm sorry but that is an incredible skill. I know many of you are more than capable of finding the paci/sippi cup that has gone missing and returning it to its rightful owner but just try, I dare you, just try to buckle your frantic 3 yr. old one handed while driving and avoiding a catastrophe! Mad skills I tell you!


Katie R said...

props on the mad skills! :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I never thought that you were learning a new trick. I thought you were going to tell us that Ellis had learned to to it all by himself. I'm not too sure what to think of your new skill...doesn't sound to safe to me.

Anonymous said...

i can proudly admit that i too possess this skill :) way to go smart mom!

Erin said...

Wow. That is amazing-- such skill! :)

Anonymous said...

next thing i know you will be dangling him out the window at 45mph thru the drivethru at micky d's. trevor would never attempt such an unsafe act as you have done. you should ask him for parenting skills tutoring.

Anonymous said...

It is a good skill to have. I learned with Grace, but thank the lord she can now do it ALL by herself. Now she goes into hysterics when I am in a hurry and try to help her.