Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Whole Bunch of Random

Ellis love to play hide and seek. If he runs out of places to hide this is what he does. I guess if he can't see you then you can't see him.

Alaire has learned to give hugs. They are the best! She grabs you around the neck and squeezes as hard as she can. She is also an equal opportunist in that as soon as I get one she goes straight to Trevor to give him his. She gives Daddy a hug and kiss when he leaves for work and then I get some too. It really is a great deal.

When I cleaned out Alaire's closet a few days ago I found their Easter baskets. Ellis immediately turned his into a race car helmet so Alaire followed suit. Monkey see monkey do!

Ellis has learned to play on the computer for the most part on his own. His favorite is and he also likes but still needs help playing most of those. 

Like I said monkey see, monkey do. She has no idea what she is doing, but she sure looks good.


Anonymous said...

Loved the random pictures and facts. So fun to hear what you have been up to and to see pictures of everyone. Ellis and Alaire are changing and growing so fast!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I jsut keep thinking that Alaire is the one that is going to give you a run for your money. She cracks me up!