Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentines

The men's group at the satelite church I work at had a breakfast together this morning with the kids so that moms could have the morning off. Trevor took the kids there this morning and I took a nap. When they got home I ate my "prize breakfast" (suprise) as Ellis called it and then we went to Target to get Ellis the bug catcher he had been working towards. We made it out of there with a set of trucks that cost a good deal less than the bug catcher. Score!

While we were there we made sure to hit every department and Ellis and Dad found some cool shades that they were willing to get their picture in. 

Trevor had a little gift for all of us this morning. Ellis got gum, which he thinks is awesome and a teddy bear that he has named Charlie. 

I asked him if I could take his picture with his gum and he said, "yeah mom but I'm not going to smile."

Daddy is starting Alaire out right. He got her a teddy bear and a bag of Ghirardelli chocolates. I'm thinking that he was hoping she would be sharing with her mom but from the way it has gone today she really isn't on the same wave length. 

Yes, that is her smile again!


sheltonfamily said...

Alaire is so cute in her hearts! What a fun day and the nap sounds like the best gift ever.....Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a pretty good Valentine's Day! It was fun to get an air-kiss and smile from Alaire. Gum is a huge deal when you are 3 yrs. old. (I guess Henry doesn't even like gum.) Did they buy the sunglasses or just let you take a picture of them wearing them?

Anonymous said...

I believe I will be going back to Target to purchase those shades...I look dashing!


katy said...

I love that Trevor gave Alaire chocolates!

Ellis and Alaire look like they had a wonderful Valentine's Day!