Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wardrobe Malfunction

I have been going through Alaire's hand me down clothes pulling out all of the 18 months stuff to get them hung and put away. 

Ellis was "helping" when he found a Dora shirt. He already had his arm out of the shirt he had on before he was able to get, "mom can I wear this" out of his mouth. He wore it the whole afternoon and I couldn't keep from laughing (which he couldn't understand.) He told me Alaire couldn't wear it because it would show her belly!


Anonymous said...

oh just wait till uncle bryce sees this!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks so pleased with himself.... gotta love that cute face!

Anonymous said...

ha ha! recently trey's been insisting on trying on "spinny" dresses (because that's what he sees emmy do, of course). sometimes, i just don't fight it, you know? but daddy came home the other day and decidedly put a STOP to that because, after all, BOYS DON'T WEAR DRESSES! :)

sheltonfamily said...

oh wow.....the funny thing is that he would totally wear it out!

Jan AKA Wammy said...


Anonymous said...

That has got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He must have found that in his dads closet.