Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Biggest Achievement This Week

I finally just gave up on the little pony on the top of her head and gave the real thing a try. I was so impressed with my work that I kept telling Trevor to tell me how great it looked. 

I thought it looked so incredibly cute that when she took it out after 20 minutes I actually went through the drama of doing it again!


maren said...

SO cute!!! good job, you!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Such a sweet little tail! What about two piggie tails. That would really throw her for a loop!

The Purvis Family said...

precious! she looks so sweet with the new little tail :)

katy said...

So cute!!!! I will have to give that one a try... it looks like it turned out well!

Anonymous said...

It's soooo sweet....only it makes her look older. You did a great job! Does she have enough hair for pig-tails? Maybe that would be just too much drama for 20 mins. of cuteness.

Anonymous said...

See...told you that you could do it! I agree, you should try piggie tails...they are my favorite! Good work!