Friday, February 06, 2009

Here is what you get when... let Alaire choose what she would like to wear.

 ask Alaire for a kiss.

 ask Alaire to smile.

If you liked this there is more where it comes from over to the left under movies of the Bug and Ladybug. Check out the one titled "All the Alaire has learned."

P.S. If you look closely in this last one you can see her 1 yr. molar coming in. Oh the joy, I love teething!


The Shellabys said...

Oh my heavens!!! She reminds me soooo much of Chloe! Have fun with that! ;)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

She cracks me up! Lovely outfits...kinda like your Rummage Queen one!

sheltonfamily said...

what a funny girl..... I wonder what her "uniform" will be?!!! She seems to be at a fun age and I am sure has you all laughing lots!