Monday, February 09, 2009

Jesus Prom '09

The student ministries department put on their second annual Jesus Prom on Saturday night. They did an awesome job! I'm not sure the exact number but I think the participants doubled from last year and there were tons of students there to help too. 

I'm not sure why the quality of my pictures turned out so poorly but I'm sharing them anyway. 

I love this one because we were standing there as this girl was signing in and she was insisting that her mom put her crown back on because she couldn't possibly look like Cinderella without it! The guys are twin brothers and they are hysterical. The students who assisted wore black pants and white shirts so Trevor was dressed this way as well. When these guys signed in Trevor was introducing himself to the one with the red tie and Trevor commented to him that he looked very handsome. He smiled, asked Trevor where his tie was then laughed and with a big smirk said, "we can run back to my house and get you one."

I bet you can't guess what song they are dancing too! Trevor said they also did the limbo and the Macarena, which everyone got really into.  He said the DJ they had was really great.

Trevor's Ministry Assistant, Amanda did a great job with the decorations. The theme was, "Pretty in Pink" so she had candles and pink rose petals and balloons as center pieces. There was a huge balloon arch too that Ellis thought was awesome. Each participant was also able to get their picture taken by a professional photographer. They went home with a frame for the pictures that will be mailed to them later this month. 

Alaire, Ellis and I only stayed long enough to see everyone arrive but we made sure to get out on the dance floor and warm it up for everyone!

They busted a move pretty hard apparently because about half way into our time they needed a snack.

I can't wait to see some of the pictures the photographer took. It seemed like a great night. I'm sure some of them are already looking forward to next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love that you do this every year. It is such a special event and just looking at those smiling faces warms my heart.

Ellis and Alaire are adorable on the dance floor and i love those cowgirl boots!!!