Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Zoo

Ellis has been asking to go to the zoo again and I've know all week that we would go today but I didn't tell him until this morning. The weather is gorgeous here and they have both been feeling better so we decided to make a morning of it. 

Ellis usually wants to ride the train. He has only been on the carousel once and cried most of the way through it. Today though as soon as we got in line to buy tickets he said he wanted to ride on the carousel zebra. They both had a blast and next time he says he is going on the lion.

My favorite animals to see are always the gorillas, monkeys and orangoutangs. The orangoutangs were the only active ones today but they gave us a special little treat. We were sitting on the little viewing step inside the building watching them from afar and this one picked up a bag of popcorn and came and sat against the glass in front of us to eat it. Ellis could not believe that he liked popcorn just like him and kept asking where his microwave was. 

He took this picture especially for daddy because, "Daddy likes snakes. It's okay mom just close you eyes when you take it." (He knows I do not like snakes.)

How cute is that? I had them hold hands one time to stay together and from then on if Alaire was out of the stroller she wanted to hold Ellis' hand.

I just like how this picture turned out so I thought I would share it too.


katy said...

What fun! The picture of them holding hands is PRECIOUS! :)

PS - I tried the ponytail thing with Kendra's hair. It was worse than Alaire's. I think some curl to the hair is necessary for those firecracker ponytails.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I love the zoo!!!!! Ahhh, the Cinti Zoo brings back lots of memories! Smelly Cat House, one of my favorites.

Love the Rope World video!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't get sick from some exotic disease you caught at the zoo. Your mom is so far away she wouldn't be of much help.
By the way do a spell check on ornagatan.

Feel the LOVE!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cassie--the pictures from the zoo are so cute! Bryce loves the one of the two of them holding hands--he wants to have it in black and white. Can you send a hi-res one to his email? I don't think it will turn out very well if I try to pull it from your blog.


Anonymous said...

I love that Ellis wanted to ride the Zebra on the Merry-Go-Round and Alaire wasn't afraid at all. Ellis telling you to, "just close your eyes," when you took the "snake-house" picture was a riot! I agree with everyone on how cute those two look together holding hands! Hope they always have that kind of a relationship!!! ( It was about 17 degrees here today and snowed on and off through the day! Enjoy the Colorado sunshine! I miss it!!!)

Anonymous said...

I love that Ellis wanted to ride the Zebra on the Merry-Go-Round and Alaire wasn't afraid at all. Ellis telling you to, "just close your eyes," when you took the "snake-house" picture was a riot! I agree with everyone on how cute those two look together holding hands! Hope they always have that kind of a relationship!!! ( It was about 17 degrees here today and snowed on and off through the day! Enjoy the Colorado sunshine! I miss it!!!)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the "identical twin" comment. Our computer service is REALLY MESSING UP ON US! If there is a way to delete one of them..... please do it!