Friday, January 23, 2009

Now a Family of 5

We took the plunge and became pet owners last night. A friend from church is getting ready to move to Chicago and couldn't take her pooch so we are the proud new owners of Eli, a lab shepherd mix that apparently doesn't know how big and scary he looks. He was abused as a puppy and is the most timid dog I have ever seen. 

Ellis and Alaire both love him and other than being scared of them when they are loud he could care less what they do to him. Alaire has tried to climb on him, use him as a train car, ride him, kiss him, pat him, feed him, steal his food.....the list just goes on, but he just stays as calm as can be. Ellis is so excited to have him and can't understand why he won't play fetch. We explained that Eli just needs to get used to us first but Ellis just keeps trying. Eli did lay at the end of Ellis' bed tonight as we read our bed time book and Ellis could in no way tell you what the book was about, he was way to into the fact that Eli was "sleeping" with him.

Here is the list so far of what Eli is afraid of the 

  • dishwasher
  • the "ting" sound when I open the dryer
  • Trevor when he comes home from work
  • the flash on my camera
  • taking a walk when the garbage truck is on our street
  • Alaire when she is pushing her stroller

The kids and I went to Target today to pick up of few things for Eli. As we walked to the dog section Ellis and I went through the list of things we were getting and I asked if he was going to help take care of Eli. He answered quickly that he would and could hardly wait to get to the dog section. I made sure to get a pooper scooper and as soon as I showed him how it worked he told me, "oh mom this will be mine and dad's job, not yours or Alaire's." I was all about that realizing I should enjoy this now because something tells me the newness of the scooper will soon wear off. 


Anonymous said...

Dad's already pretty sure it is not just Ellis and my job as I'm certain Ellis will have nothing to do with the actual picking up of any, mom, be prepared to do your fair share!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh, the dog poo picking up days...will they ever end? What a great dog! But I have one question (along with Michael)...when does he get to come to our house?