Friday, January 23, 2009

The end of Pappy and Wammy's

Our last few days at Pappy and Wammy's house were packed full of fun. Ellis really warmed up to Pappy by then and once Trevor left Pappy became Ellis' constant playmate. 

Paper airplane shooting was probably Ellis' favorite game but he also secretly loved when Pappy ate his belly meat. 

Dad bought this chair before Christmas and I'm thinking he should've gotten two of them. This was both of their favorite place to sit and thankfully most of the time they were willing to share. 

Auntie Em bought and enormous chocolate cake one night and wow did Ellis really enjoy the icing!! 

Emmy had 4 tickets to the Children's museum that we got to use while we were there. There were tons of things to do. Wammy was the only one willing to climb and crawl through the cave and tree climbing adventure with Alaire. She of course loved every second of it and continues to sharpen her climbing skills now that we are home. 

Ellis driving Alaire and I on the "metro bus."

We spent tons of our time in the water area. Wammy's true preschool teacher came out and she had them trying everything.

On the ride home Ellis said his favorite things were the climbing area and the penny spinner. The penny spinner was one of those donation things that you drop a penny in and it spins around until dropping into the bucket. Yeah, so not really part of the museum but fun none the less I guess.

Just what we need her doing.....more climbing!


Kathy said...

great pics! i love watching ur kids grow up.
nothing better to add to a family than a dog to love.

Anonymous said...