Friday, November 21, 2008

Momma T's rolls

I have blogged about them before and if you live in C-ville your mouth has probably been watering since you read the title, but I will say it again...those things are good. 

I made a batch last week and took them to a friend that just had a baby so this week I made a batch for us to gorge ourselves on. We have had a hard time lately getting Ellis to eat but today for his nap he was asking for a snack, "a roll please mommy."


Alaire will pretty much eat anything right now but I do have a hard time getting her to sign "more" at the proper time. The rolls have done the trick. She saw Ellis' snack and decided she wanted one of her own. She would point, grunt and sign, "more, more."

1 comment:

Jan AKA Wammy said...

With all those teeth she should be able to down a pretty good many of those rolls. Maybe we can make some next time you are here.