Sunday, November 16, 2008

More Birthday

We had a little joint birthday party tonight with Ireland. She turns 4 tomorrow and Ellis turned 3 Thursday. Ellis had a blast! Anything with Chloe and Ireland means fun and when you add EmJ to the mix it is golden! 

I'm pretty sure that they all had a great time. We had chicken strips, mac and cheese, a really good salad, veggies, and apples and carmel. Ireland wanted blueberry pie for dessert but Maren made cupcakes for those not exactly sure about a birthday with pie :)
As you can see Ellis loved his gifts. Ireland and Chloe got him a tool set, which is so funny because Ireland is always insisting on using some tools to fix something, anything when she is over here. (Ms. Kimmi- we found a tool box when we got home!)

 EmJ got him some matchbox cars and the "Hot Shot" sweatshirt that he is sleeping in tonight. Maren is one smart momma, she knows it is getting much too cold for his usual basketball uniforms.

Nana and Steve got him the Broncos warm-ups he has on in the above picture and a zip up to match. He can't wait to show it to his Uncles and Opa next weekend. 

Here is Alaire waiting for her cupcake.

Ireland- It takes a really big breath to blow out a number 4 candle!

Yeah, you could say that he was excited! Thanks to "the girls" for a really great party!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a super fun birthday party! Alaire looks beyond precious in your photo shoot...she is too cute. Crazy that it's nice enough for the park in November, I guess we shoudl enjoy it while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

Loved the happy excited faces of Alaire and Ellis. Life is good! Never a dull moment around your house..... you keep things hopping and fun. I'm sure Ellis is loving the extending birthday celebrating!

leigh ann said...

i think it was when max was 5, i asked him what kind of birthday cake he wanted and he said "chewwy pie". so cherry pie is what we had! he got his own little personal one (which he ate up no problem) and i can't even remember how many other ones i made for the rest of our family. i figured he was the birthday boy, why not give him what he wanted? =)

Anonymous said...

Ellis, Opa is looking forward to seeing that Bronco warm-up out fit next week. Go Broncos! We will have to watch a game together and cheer on the Broncos. You are a big 3 yr. old now. Love, Opa

maren said...

We're so glad he likes the warm basketball "form!" :o)

Nana said...

I am stuck here in Milwaukee crying cus I missed the party. I'm glad you got up pics. I know Kimmi's been too busy with Ireland's "real" birthday today (and the furnace issue.) I'm so glad Ellis got to have fun with his harem, lol.

The Shellabys said...

I am SO glad you found a tool box! I really felt bad sending you home with all those tools! Ireland and her odd obsession with tools and your house! Who knows where she got it! We had so much fun with the birthday party! It turned out so nice and easy! Thanks for being a part of it!

Kathy said...

i LOVE the pic of alaire waiting on her cupcake.