Friday, November 21, 2008

The Birthday Box

Ellis got his birthday box from Oma and Opa today. I was just getting them out of the tub when the door bell rang. We opened the box and I was going to let him play for a little while and postpone nap time for a few minutes but oh no he just wasn't going to have that. There were new pj's in that box and he wanted to put them on and try them out. 

We put the Hulk pj's on and he layed down for his nap. I'm thinking that nap is going well and we will be going outside when they wake up to try out his new frisbee ball! 


Anonymous said...

Finally! We were getting worried about Ellis' B-Day Box! Hope our letter arrived today, too!!! Opa picked out the PJ's -- He will be glad Ellis liked them. Hope he likes the new collapsible ball/frisbee, too.
What are the "T" rolls?

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Looks like a pretty good B'day box to me.

Anonymous said...

I love the HULK Pjs! they ROCK!!!!