Thursday, October 16, 2008

Birthday= 1yr. Well child Dr. visit

We just got back from Alaire's 1 yr. Dr. appointment. She did really well until he started looking into her ears but her general happiness flew out the window when the nurse came in to give her 4 shots. Poor little thing fell asleep in her new car seat on the way home and I'm hoping she just spends the day resting.

Ellis got a flu shot too so I had two screamers there for a little while. Once I told Ellis that he needed to move away from the mirror on the back of the door he mysteriously felt much better. He loves to watch himself cry.....weirdo!

Here are Alaire's stats:
height: 30.5 inches 90%
weight: 18 lbs. 12 oz. 25%
head circumference: 26 cm. 75%


leigh ann said...

long and lean with a big ol' head and rosy cheeks. that's just the kind of ellis baby i knew and loved! love. present tense. =)

Anonymous said...

Alaire's Uncle Jeff weighed 18lbs. at his 1 yr. Dr. visit, too! So many shots, ouch!!
Hope she had a good Birthday ... other than the shots.

Erin said...

Happy Birthday to Alaire!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! It's crazy it's been a year! (I feel old saying that)! Looks like the day was great!

katy said...

Your kids are SO CUTE! Happy Birthday Alaire! She looks SO MUCh like Ellis. :) What a doll baby.

Speaking of... I love the picture of her feeding her doll. Her expression is priceless! Kendra may weigh more than Alaire soon... she is 17 lbs!