Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Behind please bare with me!

Alaire got her B-day present in the mail from Oma and Opa last weekend. She loves her new gifts but if anyone is wondering about what to get them for Christmas just send them a box!! They love getting stuff in the mail and they LOVE to play in the boxes!

Here she is with her new baby. Ellis told me yesterday that he thinks this is her favorite one because it "has hair."

The school bus has been a big hit too. It sings a song that Alaire claps to and Ellis now knows word for word.

I remember making caramel apples with my grandmother every fall. When Ellis saw some at the store the other day and asked what they were we got all of the supplies. I wasn't brave enough to go all out so we just dipped....but I assure you it was love!

Trevor has been working on a new set of paintings. He has finished now and we have both said that we like them so much that if they were going to anyone other than Nana Kelli they would probably be finding a new home on one of our walls, but we all love Nana around here so to her new bedroom retreat they go!


Anonymous said...

And Michael noticed the sprinkles! I think this weekend we will be making more. I just ate the last of the caramel. Love the baby with hair. You have to get a video of Ellis singing the school bus song. Nana Kelli is going to love her new professionally comissioned painting.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! My mom was telling me all about them and do look super good. I can't wait to see them in the room. Camdyn has that school bus and she still plays with it almost daily!

The Shellabys said...

i love those paintings! so good! he is very talanted! :) and i love the picture of them in the box... and Ellis asked Ireland for a box for his birthday... so we will put some serious thought into that