Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Alaire turns 1!

Ellis went to bed last night crying that he wanted the cake that he picked out for Alaire to be the cake for his birthday so when he woke up this morning excited about baking it I just went with it even though it was only 7am. 

Trevor got to stay home for the morning with us which was really a treat. Wednesday is a really long day for him but we enjoyed our morning and packed it full of Birthday! Alaire took a early morning nap and then we went to Target where we let Ellis pick out a gift to give to his sister. 

Alaire took another short snooze on the way home but woke up just in time to have a special Chick-fil-a lunch. She really didn't eat much chicken because when she saw that I had a cup of lemonade she decided that would become her lunch. She loves to drink from a cup with a straw!

After lunch it was off to presents. We had already opened a lot of the ones from family, (the outfit she has on is from Pappy and Wammy.) She loved loved loved the baby doll and stroller that Ellis got for her.

The only problem was that daddy couldn't get it out of the package fast enough!

By the time we got to cupcake she was all tuckered out, but not to worry she did manage to slather herself down with icing before nap time.

I had her in the tub when the doorbell rang and Ellis started screaming "mom the brown truck is here we are getting another box, hurry, hurry!" It was her new car seat from Pappy and Wammy. She sat in it, put her baby in it, and she and Ellis climbed all over it so hopefully it will be a smooth transition!


sheltonfamily said...

Yea!!! A great joy is when your child is no longer rear facing...Okay she is a little Anna with her straw etc....and so sweet with the gift from Ellis. Happy Birthday Alaire!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

How cute everyone of the pictures are. She looks so big! Looks like Ellis knew exactly what his little sister needed. Glad you had a great day!

Becca said...

Happy Birthday, Alaire!!

Katie R said...

She is so stinking cute! Happy Birthday Alaire! She is getting so big!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Happy Birthday to Alaire! Her pictures are so sweet, especially feeding her "baby."

Anonymous said...

It's great that Alaire has a new car seat. She looks like she's learned how to be a good mommy to her baby doll from watching you, Cassie. Glad Trevor was able to spend the morning celebrating with you.