Saturday, September 06, 2008

Words from their mouths

Trevor and I have been noticing that Ellis is actually listening to more and more of our conversations so we have been spelling things that we aren't necessarily ready for him to hear. For example, "Do you want to go get I-C-E C-R-E-A-M?"

This morning as we were leaving the park Trevor was buckling Ellis into his seat and Ellis said, "dad lets go to Target and look at the W-X-Y-Zs (toys.)"

Alaire is starting to speak as well. She is always jibber-jabbering but today I noticed her say "uh-oh" when she dropped her paci. She also says ball, hi, and mama, and dada. She can now sign "all done" too and we have been trying to get her to do "more" and "cup." I haven't been able to tell just yet but I think she may be clapping to sign "more." I'm really looking forward to seeing how "Ellis" comes out. He calls her Awhere.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

This once is priceless!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I laughed out loud just picturing him saying that. Camdyn says Alaire that exact same way, too funny.

Kathy said...

your babies are sooooo cute. i hop over here every now and then and cant believe how they have grown ! that wxyz thing is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

We just got home from Seattle at 1 a.m. (Wed. morning the 10th). Couldn't wait to catch up on your blog! I'll be able to sleep with a smile on my face. Ellis & Alaire stories crack me up!