Saturday, September 06, 2008

Cut outs and the Cade's park

Yesterday was a cold rainy day so Ellis and I were looking for stuff to do inside. Trevor has been working on an art project so there was a roll of butcher paper here that we thought we may be able to use. I ended up tracing him and letting him color and then cut it out, he is really in to scissors right now. We hung the "Ellis" up in his room and then he decided we needed to make a "mommy." The "mommy" was a bit wide for my taste so at nap time "she" made her way to the trash can.
This morning we woke up to sunshine so we asked Ellis if he wanted to go to the park. His answer was "yes, Cade's park." Cade is his buddy from church. We went to their house the other day and on the way he saw the park in their neighborhood. He has been wanting to go there ever since.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I like Cade's Park...can we go there the next time I come to visit...I don't even care if there is snow on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. It's been like that here too, I guess we should start being creative with art projects too!

Anonymous said...

So cute Cassie! I love the way "she" found her way to the trash. =)