Friday, September 26, 2008

Just Random

My morning glories.

We had spaghetti last night for dinner and  Alaire had blueberries on the side. I have never seen the child eat like she did last night! I couldn't refill her plate fast enough!

Cindy and Cade came over this morning so that we could put some candy bags together for the Fall FamilyFest that we are having at church. The boys were driving us crazy asking over and over for a piece of candy. We told them they could have one piece when all of the bags were finished. They finally went and played and Alaire sat and watched.

When we weren't looking she grabbed herself a dum dum and started going to town on it. Ellis of course saw that and asked when he could have his. 


Here they all are enjoying their candy.

Just a little more proof of how much he really is like me!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Are you kidding spit him out. The last shot......that brings me back. Can't wait until he makes soy sauce and Montgomery Inn sauce sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

I love the spaghetti picture...that's one of my favorite things b/c you can totally see how much they loved it.

oodrea1221 said...

I had a few posts to read, to catch up, as I've not been looking at any blogs lately! I loved the pile of socks and spag picture and the "morning glories"...who are you trying to get Ellis to be for Halloween?! I'm glad you get to have your own small group on 2 of the Wednesday nights! See you soon, andrea

Anonymous said...

Alaire is getting SOOO big! She looks like a little woman!

The Pavliches said...

I LOVE Ellis's hair! Your kids are adorable! And Adaire looks a lot like you. I love the ketchup picture!