Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tid Bits

Bet you can't guess who we were trying to talk Ellis into being for one of our many Halloween costume parties this year!

We went up to see GG yesterday and to celebrate Aunt Nancy's Bday. The kids were not really in to having their pictures taken but then food a family time was great. We even got to see Kat, back from her year long stint as a Nanny in Ireland!
We did have a bit of a mishap on the way home though. We didn't see a speed bump in the road and taking one of those without warning in Trevor's car isn't a good thing. We ended up with a small ocean of oil under the car and decided that it wasn't driveable. Aunt Nancy ended up driving us home and we are now praying that we will only have to replace the oil pan.......it's always something!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

The Big T taking driving lessons from your Dad is he?

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the oil pan. What a crummy ending to a fun evening. Looks like you went to the same mexican place we went to while we were there. (Hope you didn't have the same waiter!)

What costumes ARE Ellis and Alaire going to wear this year?

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the first costume. The "Naked Cowboy" Look-alike.