Monday, September 29, 2008

chocolate and the zoo

Ireland invited us over for pizza and smores last night. The 3 big kids had so much fun playing together that I failed to get a picture of them. Alaire enjoyed her time on Daddy's lap with a little chocolate tasting. 

Mrs. Kimmi gave Alaire a baby doll while we were there and she hasn't put it down since. Not only is it a baby, but it is a baby with a paci, and that is even better!

Ellis and Alaire were up at the crack of dawn again today. We were reading an ABC book that has a bunch of animals in it and Ellis was telling Alaire that we see those at the zoo, then he just looked up at me and said "hey lets go to the zoo today." I didn't have a good reason not to so I sent him up to ask dad and we were on our way. 

He finally got to sit on the hippo statue today. He always wants to but it is made of some kind of metal and is usually extremely hot by the time we get there. I think you can tell by the picture that he really enjoyed it!

We were able to get a cute family photo while we were there. We are actually sitting on a gorilla statue but it is kinda hard to tell.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun day!!!! Tell brother I bought him a surprise today!!! I will try to send it soon!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Probably Dad will sent it soon. Just kidding Em...NOT! I am sure tht we can find some other things to add to it.

Love the baby with a paci picture. How sweet!

And Ellis does seem to love his zoo. YEA! He must take that after his Wammy...and fav too.

sheltonfamily said...

I love how you are all wearing sweaters. Enjoy it! I am so past t-shirts and shorts.... it is getting so very old. I love Alaire with her baby doll. She is very quickly becoming a toddler. Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

It was a great idea Ellis had to go to the zoo! Glad you had such a beautiful day to be at the zoo.
It is always so cute how babies LOVE other babies and baby dolls.
(Did Trevor get the lawn mowed in spite of being interrupted?)

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun...Gotta love smores! It must be this time of year if your kids are getting up at the crack of dawn b/c Camdyn definitely has been lately! I am ready for it to stop!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I love Alaire's girlish appetite. :) Layni's the same way. They're getting so big.

Anonymous said...

That is a great photo of the fam. I would like a copy of it. Can I get it off this web site? Luv goin to the zoo when we were there too. Love Ya, Dad Oakes