Thursday, October 02, 2008

Just a little fun in the tub

I thought we may be running a little low on Alaire facts and shots. She is getting big so fast (she will be 1 in 12 days!). She loves the bath tub and she is constantly trying to stand up. In the last few days she has started to love to sit in my lap and look at books and I think we can say she is officially eating pretty much whatever we are at the table, which can make for quite the mess). I thought we were going to have a hard time switching her to milk but I guess it is just like the baby food issue she had. Today she just decided she would drink it.

Trevor says she looks like him in this one.

This is the first good picture of her two teeth. She has four more on top that are just fighting to come through.


The Shellabys said...

super cute blogs! i haven't looked in a few days and i had 3 to catch up on tonight! the zoo pictures are really cute! and i am glad that alaire loves the baby! chloe was the same way at that age... never wanted to put the babies down... and she has never stopped! and really cute bath pictures too!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

She looks so big! Can't really say that I see Trevor in that pic but I don't see you maybe it is the combo of the two of you I see. That is a good thing. Where has the year gone. Now we need to get het talking on the phone to Wammy.

Going b'day shoppinig soon...hopefully we can gt it there before her birthday.

Keep adding pictures...we need them!

Anonymous said...

Alaire looks so much like Ellis in that first picture in the bath. I love the new pictures...I can't believe she is already going to be one.

leigh ann said...

trevor only wishes she looks like him. that girl is her mama made over.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics of Alaire! Just the fact that she loves the water makes her just like her daddy! She's a real beauty.

The Pavliches said...

Alaire is so cute,and Trevor is wrong, she looks just like YOU! That is so funny about teeth, because Kaitlin only had 2 at a year, and she still doesn't have very many more that 2 years!! Does she totally have your nose because that is what I think I see.(??)