Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Apple Recipes

In the last few days Ellis has come up with a few new dips that he enjoys on his apple slices. I just thought I would list a few here for your dipping pleasure. There are apples in ketchup (seen here), apples in ranch, apples in blue cheese vinaigrette, and my personal favorite apples in Montgomery Inn BBQ sauce.
He is a dipper, and I'm pretty sure that there will be no lack of condiments in my fridge for him to choose from!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

He gets it honestly...his Mom was a dipper. Remember ketchup and mustard and pickle dipping? Where is Carly?

Anonymous said...

I love the pudding pics! Camdyn does the same thing with dipping. Her favorite is ranch dressing. Sometimes I have to look away b/c it is just too gross tow atch! I am glad to knwo she isn't the only weird one! :o)

sheltonfamily said...

Interesting....Maybe that would make Ellie eat her "green" things a little better?

The Shellabys said...

Chloe does that same thing... i think her favorite is grapes in ranch! kids are too funny! and i love the pictures of Alaire and the pudding in the last post! the piture progression is too cute!