Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Ellis and I introduced Alaire to the fun of pudding today. I did this same thing with Ellis when he was about the same age. Wow, I am amazed at the difference in how they reacted. I remember Ellis being a little timid at first and only sticking one finger in until I really urged him to have fun and rub both hands around. Alaire, well she is a whole different story! As soon as I put the pudding in front of her she did a head plant right in the center of the pudding puddle. She loved it so much she kept clapping which caused even more pudding splatter all over her face and hair. I did take her shirt off but for some reason I didn't think her pants would get that dirty. I'm not sure she will ever wear them again. If we do this again it will be a diaper activity!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

nothing...naked in the tub!

maren said...

hands down one of the best posts EVER! love it!!!! and i have to add that i love the summer sledding too! ;o)

katy said...

Oh my, what a mess! She is so cute, though! It looks like she had a blast!

Anonymous said...

I love it Grace just said that she wanted to play in the mud too

Erin said...

Wow- this idea is definitely getting filed away for our next rainy day! I love it! She clearly had a fabulous time. :)

sheltonfamily said...

You are one brave momma....She looks like she is having so much fun!