Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ladybug Update

Just wanted to give everyone an update on Ladybug's growth. According to my ultrasound she is still growing just fine and looks perfectly healthy. The ultrasound tech said that she has dropped really low before they would have actually expected her to so that is what threw the measurements off. That was great news! They were able to estimate her weight at 6lbs. 10oz. and said that they would be very surprised if she is as big as Ellis (9lbs. 12oz.) when she is born. They also estimated me at 36 weeks and 3 days according to the ultrasound compared to the 35 weeks and 2 days that the doctor guessed. Needless to say I left there much happier than when I walked in!! I now have a picture of the little foot and rear end that have been jabbing me in the right side. We weren't able to see her face at all because she is so far down and turned around looking at my hip so I guess that will be a surprise. Anyway, thanks for all of the prayers and encouraging notes on the comment page. We will be sure to keep you updated on our next bug and her, hopefully, soon to be arrival.


Anonymous said...

What great, great news!!! Now if you just knew her actual arrival date, time, etc. wouldn't that be helpful right now?!
Keeping you in our prayers.
Love Ya!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

We've got our plane tickets and are packing our bags. Michael can't wait to see Ellis and Truck. Dad is pretty excited to...and me I am on cloud nine. The only bad thing is that I am going to miss all the Fall Fun Fest at preschool. But I've been to a bunch of them and think I can skip out on this one.

The Pavliches said...

I cant believe that it is almost time! I am sure that it has not flown by for you, but it has for me, I feel like you just told me that you were pregnant again!! So excited!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for an earlier baby! Camdyn and I are actually going to come to Colorado Thursday the 11th and we decided that before reading this...hopefully you will have had ladybug and we can see you guys and her...although I know you'll be super tired so we won't stick around long! We are definitely praying for you and will hopefully be able to see you in a few weeks!

sheltonfamily said...

Exciting news! I got ladybug a little something so she'll look very girly! Can you send me your address? Thanks!

Anonymous said...