Monday, September 24, 2007

The crooked smile

Ellis is becoming very particular about having his picture taken. At times he will have no part in it but at other times we will ask him to smile and we get this crooked little grin and chin lift action. He has been loving playing with his blocks lately. We usually make trains that we either run under our leg tunnels or he makes a big "trash truck" that he and truck can ride on together.
He has also been developing his shoe fettish. He is becoming worse than any girl I have ever known. This particular morning he wanted to wear a pair of bear slippers that he found in his closet. He could hardly walk in them because he would watch them moving across the floor while he walked instead of watching where he was going. There are many days that he never really fully gets dressed but it is a guarantee that he will always have his shoes on. This morning he woke Trevor up saying "Daddy tennis shoes."
There is the smile again. I was making a grocery list at the table yesterday and Ellis decided he needed to color too. He didn't do much coloring. He just kept putting the lids on his fingers and waving them in my face while he was cracking up at himself. The one big plus about his new love for coloring and painting is that he has learned his colors. If you ask him what color something is he will always answer orange first but if you tell him to stop being silly and tell you what color it is he almost always gets it right now. He has also learned his full name. I've been trying to get it on video but I haven't gotten it yet. It is so cute when he says Oakes.

** Another Ladybug Update: I just left the doctor's office and everything is moving along just fine. She is in position and they plan on checking me in about 2 weeks so at that point it is anytime. We have Trevor's mom coming just before the due date and my parents and Michael coming just after so Ellis should be very well entertained and cared for.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

He is such a smart boy...he will be at the head of his preschool class I feel sure. I can not imagine why he has decdied to make silly faces at the camera...could be that he always has one pointing at him. Don't stop...we want more pictures. Things look and sound good and we are coing=ting down the days until we get on the big bird and head your way. How are you feeling? Early? On time? Late? We now have two new grandbabies at preschool...Ladybug will make three. Sure says somehing about the age of the teachers...but I am not old at all.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it is so close to the time for the new arrival! (Wish Dad was able to come out with me.)
Cassie, I wonder if you and Trevor will get the "Your son is too silly, " talk with Ellis' Pre-school teacher that we got with Trevor's Kindergarten teacher.
Love Ya! Can't wait to see Ya!

Kendra White said...

I think we need Ellis to color a picture for Ladybug. He looks too cute with the crayons on his fingers:) Only a couple more weeks... I am feeling October 12:) Good luck, keep us posted!

The Purvis Family said...

ellis is too cute! i love that blonde hair. so glad to hear that ladybug is all good - we know she will be perfect no matter what :) can't wait to hear about her arrival soon!!!

PAPPY!!!! said...

I think that the current results of the baby name poll should be declared null and void. Someone has stuffed the ballot box. This is worse than Florida. I don't want to always have the question in my mind. "Is my grandaughter living a lie?" Make the name "Katherine Jean" which is the way it should be. Trust me.


Anonymous said...


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