Monday, September 17, 2007

cookies and the Broncos

If you know the Oakes boys you know what we were doing yesterday afternoon. Of course we were watching the Broncos pull out a win. I guess Ellis still had the Broncos on the brain this morning because when I asked him if he wanted to wear his orange shirt or his soccer shirt this morning he went with orange. When it was time to go to the grocery store he chose the Broncos sweatshirt for his jacket and then insisted that he and Trevor both wear their Broncos hats that Opa bought them this summer. When we were at the store one of the ladies in the meat dept said hi to him and he replied "go Broncos." I can't wait until the Broncos Colts game, we will be sure that Ellis calls Opa in the middle of it. To bad they don't even play the Bengals this year. By the way that is Truck our pet dog that he is holding up in the air. I mentioned a few posts ago that Truck is his new best bud. It hasn't worn off at all, in fact tonight Truck got his own chair at the dinner table.
This weeks trip to the grocery store brought me a treat of chocolate chip cookies. Ellis might even think that they are better than the sprinkles that he got last week. He helped me "make" them and wasn't really catching on to the fact that you have to bake them before you eat them. He actually took a bite out of two of them before they made it into the oven.
I just love his facial expressions. He definately has a way of showing you exactly what he is thinking.
We ate them at the perfect time if you ask me, still a little warm, gooey in the inside and crunchy on the outer rim, but Ellis thought they were to warm. Don't be fooled though his blowing lasted for all of a half a second and then he was chowing down and doing the treat dance while chewing.

** A little ladybug update.... I had a doctor's apt. today and they want me to come back tomorrow for an unltrasound to check on her growth. I guess I'm measuring a little behind. The heart beat sounds great but the doctor thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look just in case. I have no idea what just in case means so I'm trying to think its no big deal until they tell me otherwise. I'm hoping that they just tell me that she is going to be small. Anyway the apt. is at 1:30 tomorrow so say a little prayer for us if you think of it.

***Also, keep checking our "movies of the Bug" section on the left. Trevor added a new one today and we have been taking more videos of him so I'm sure there will be more to come.


Katie R said...
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Katie R said...

You will be in my prayers. Go Broncos :)

sheltonfamily said...

It was great talking with you today. I will pray for you tomorrow. I measured small to most of the time...Sometimes, they would wonder if the due date was wrong? Then they would measure the baby on an ultrasound and everything would be fine. I love these pics of Ellis. Ellie loves cookies as well!

Anonymous said...

We will definitely be praying for you at 1:30...let me know how everything goes and what the doc says...Ellis cracks me can just see his personality in all o the pics!

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

I'm praying for you and Ladybug. Layni has "Truck" too, but Turner named him "Brewster." Go figure!

Kendra White said...

Cassie, Ellis is too cute! He makes me look forward to the days ahead with John Hunter. I hope ladybug comes on October 13! It was a LUCKY day for us!!