Monday, October 01, 2007

The lion king, and other outfits

I got a Pottery Barn kids in the mail the other day and there were a bunch of kids dressed up in different Halloween costumes on the cover. Ellis picked out the boy in the skeleton costume to show me and tell me "funny". We had been trying for a while to get him to put on the lion and cat costume that my parents had given us from the boys but Ellis was scared of them at the time so we hung them up in his closet and pretty much dropped it. Well when the magazine came the fun bagan. That one picture has sparked his intrest. He wanted to be "funny" himself. The lion costume has a button on the ear that when puched sings In the Jungle. He doesn't really want anyone to watch him so he gets me to push the button and then turns around and shakes his little tail.
We spend much of our time in the costumes in front of the mirror. I'm not sure which he will choose for the actual Trick or Treating, the lion is a little small and the cat a little big but that hasn't mattered so far.
Not only has Ellis been picking out his own costumes this weekend he has been choosing his own clothing. I must say though that he owes most of the credit for this outfit to his dad. The t-shirt is about three sizes to small and he now only wears it to bed. If I had gotten a little closer you could see his yogurt from breakfast all over it. Ellis does however, get all of the credit for the shoes. Auntie Em bought him those before he was born. He foudn them in his closet a few weeks ago and because they are orange (his current favorite color) they are his favorite shoes. The only problem is that he wears a size 6 and they are size 8. He walks out of them a lot but that doesn't stop him from wanting to wear them.
I just wanted to add these two pictures to warn any of you that may be visiting with Ellis any time soon. If you hear anything that sounds remotely like the word frisbee WATCH OUT! It usually sounds something like "fwizzbee" and it is your cue to duck or you risk the possibility of being decapitated!
I go to a mom's group at church every other week and so far every time I have picked him up they have said "he really has a good arm on him." I'm not sure what that means he has thrown but I feel quite certain that whatever it was quickly got put up and out of reach.


Kendra White said...

Cassie.. he is too cute. I love the lion. I think you should push for that! John Hunter is going to be a sunk! I also love the orange shoes... too cute! How is Ladybug? We you get chance send me your address want to send ladybug a treat!

Meghan said...

Haha, I loved what they said when you picked him up from nursery. I often get those remarks when I get Owen...ussually something along the lines of, "boy, he sure is all boy." I never quite know how to take it but I suppose it's good to be all boy when that is what you are huh. :)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

All boy and I LOVE IT! Can't wait to come...Michael might be bringing his pirate costume and they can have fun laughing at each other. Can't wit until he can wear the monkley suit. Talk about funny!

At least he isn't bloody when you pick him Uncle Bryce.

Anonymous said...

What cute costumes! It is such fun to get dressed up and pretend. Glad Ellis got over being afraid of the costumes.
Orange shoes? Can't wait to see those, too!
Looking forward to the 15th!

Love Ya!!

Anonymous said...

Love the elephant costume! He looks like he has just a hilarious personality! I'm havin a hard time finding plane tickets, so hopefully I'll be able to figure something out! I think that anytime Ellis has had anything that he can throw in his hand you better watch out!

sheltonfamily said...

I love the dressing up very cute... Should I wonder about Ellie never asking to where a certain item or do you ask him what he wants to wear that day? I don't know what the girls are going to be for Halloween.... I need to look on-line for something cute. I do have a "ladybug" costume from last year.. maybe you can borrow it sometime for your ladybug!

Anonymous said...

Those are so funny. I am in the computer lab trying not to laugh outloud. I would love to see a video of him in the costumes. Don't worry I am sure that Pirate black will bring his costume with him adn wear it the whole time. it really would not surprise me if you pick him up at the airport adn he has it on.

Anonymous said...

hey I was just looking at your friend laura pavlich's page. I look at it every so often because those kids are too cute. but I just read the story about Brice at school in the stall. I laughed outloud and got shushed in the lab. woops maybe I should just tell them to read it to adn they would understand.