Sunday, July 29, 2007

Our Week at Home

Our schedule has been moderately busy this week but we have tried to keep any down time that we have had pretty low key. Ellis actually had a pretty easy time readjusting to the time change so hopefully he will be pretty layed back for the rest of our crazy summer schedule.
Some of the things that we said we were going to leave at grandma's haven't exactly been left. We have enjoyed one trip to DQ with dad. The next day was my OB appt. and after hearing how much I have gained in the last month I'm thinking that maybe I should take it easy on the next trip to Pappy and Wammy's.
We have taken a few walks with the car and we even took it with us to the park on Wednesday but didn't get to use it much becasuse of all of the rain.
I have to say I haven't been as good here as I was at Wammy's about letting Bug be outside. He just wants to be out there from sun up to sun down and I just don't have the energy for it. (I also found out from the OB that I'm anemic.) Most evenings here are so comfortable so we try to be out after dinner as much as we can. This night we all sat outside and Ellis played fetch with Kelli using his bubble tray as a frisbee.
Although he loves being outside I think the highlight of the evenings this week has been the Tour de France. Steve records the race for the day and then we all watch the race before its time for a bath. Last night Ellis perched himself between Kelli, who was feeding him Nerds, and Steve, who is his bike hero.

We have loved getting to see all of our friends and families opinions of The Ladybug's name so if you haven't voted yet make sure you let us know what you think and if you know anyone that hasn't heard about the poll let them know that they can get their own ideas out there if they want to.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I have given Emmy the heads up about the thumbprint cookies....she isn't too happy about it. Tell Ellis that when he comes back to Wammy's we will be outside all day long....I am looking forward to sitting...HA! Can't wiat. Michael is already making plans.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's nice to be home...I know we are happy things are back to normal here! I am amazed every time I look at the blog at how big Ellis is getting! Crazy!

O'ma & O'pa said...

Glad Ellis did okay with the time change. Sorry to hear you're anemic right now, Cassie. Get lots of rest while and when you can!

Love Ya!