Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So she is not "Ladybug" forever

So Trevor thinks we have a name and I think we do not. I don't forsee us coming to any sort of agreement anytime soon so I asked him if we could do a poll and find out the opinions of our blog readers. I realize that this was my idea but I also need to remind each of you that these are the names that we actually like so if you don't care for one be gentle. The poll should show up on the left so you can click there to give us your opinion or if you have a great name for us or just feel like you need to say a little more leave us a comment.

One more thing...a little explanation, we all know how Ellis got his name, it's my maiden name. Since Ladybug is a girl and one of these days she may want to get married she would no longer have Oakes as part of her name so I found a few names that I like that have a meaning "Of the Oaks." You may not like this but I think I, myself, would really like it. Anyway, I'm marking those two names with an (*).

If Trevor calls you and asks you to vote tell him you have your own opinion and that you will not allow him to stuff the ballott box!! DotCom was his idea and I do not think it is all.


Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

This is hilarious! I can't wait to see what her name really ends up being.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I tried to vote and it wouldn't let me for some reason...probably my dial-up internet at home...but I LOVE the name Claire Aila, it is super cute! I liked Claire when we had Camdyn!

O'ma & O'pa said...

I would like to humbly submit another name combination: I loved the name Carlee and think it goes neat with Cassie. (And of course I like Katherine because it's my mom's middle name!)

Carlee Katherine Oakes is my #1 Vote.

I'll also cast a vote for one of the names on your list.

Love Ya!

O'ma & O'pa said...

Almost forgot to add that Carlee Katherine has a nice flow to the name and would be easy to yell when you wanted to get her attention!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

o many great is hard to choose...I like the idea of keepinig Oakes and I like the other family names. Only one question...what are the actual names of all the choices...nicknames...what you would actually call her. I have been trying to say both names like if she were getting ready to get hurt and I neded to get her attention...some of them have a hard time rolling off my tongue. I'd actually vote for DotCom because it flows very nicely...LOL...I need help with the pronunciation of Aila. I'm leaning towards O'ma's contribution of Carlee Katherine Oakes...still waiting to decide on a vote....

sheltonfamily said...

We must think alike... I love Claire or Carly. Is Trevor serious about the name dotcom? I agree with your O'ma that said Carly Katherine......However, I can picture a little Claire... and she might like her name being Claire more when she is older... You'll know when you see her and remember that you push out the baby so I think you should totally have the right to name it!

leigh ann said...

ok, so i like them all (except dotcom...), and i sort of like the carlee katherine idea too. of the names you posted, i like claire katherine the best. claire is very easy to yell if she's in danger or in trouble or up at the neighbor's house when it's time for supper and you're too tired to go get her. and when you need to use the full name for emphasis/to make a point/for shock and awe, having two hard consonants is awesome. (are you sorry you brought it up yet?)

Anonymous said...

OK, If you name her Claire I reserve the right to call her Clara Belle. Only those of my generation or older would understand. My heart is with all the previous Grandparents Carlee Katherine works. Or maybe Carlee June. She could be June Bug II.
I will love her no matter what you name her.


Anonymous said...

I'll chime in here because I wanted to equalize the growing trend of supporting the name "Carlee Katherine." I'm not a fan of this combo. It leads to the inevitable chant of "Ca-Ka." the cadence is good (two syllables for Carlee, three syllables for Katherine then one syllable for Oakes works nicely), but I can't get past the whole "Ca-Ka" thing (also I'm disenchanted with the name Carlee).

My vote is for Claire (an excellent selection) but I'm not seeing a great middle name to go with it. I'm voting for Claire Aila, but I'm thinking something other than what's currently on the table is needed.

Love you guys, have fun choosing.

Anonymous said...

You get my vote Cassie! :) But I think you should name her Carlee Aila!

Anonymous said...

I think Katherine is wonderful! Katherine Aila is our vote.
The Ballowe Family

Anonymous said...

sean votes claire. They are always cute and have curly hair and pretty eyes.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

This message is from Mamaw and Papaw...Papaw has a few names of his own...Watamacasie...Casi for a nickname...Wammy oodle...Maggie June...Keithetta Bernedette or vice versa...Claire Jean and finally Claire Jean...but he wants to vote for DotCom. Mamaw's favorite is Claire Aila