Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Trevor's Golden 30th Birthday

Yesterday was Trevor's 30th birthday, which was actually his Goden Birthday. Not only was he turning 30 on the 30th but he was also signing for a 30 year mortgage, wow what a day!
He had said that he wanted to sleep in so as soon as Ellis woke up I got him dressed and we went to the grocery store. The main reason was because if Ellis is in the house there isn't going to be much sleeping. I treated the two of us to a donut and a jug of milk. He chose the chocolate one with blue sprinkles and loved every second of it.
The other reason that we went to the grocery store was to get Trevor his little birthday surprise. It wasn't much but we got him a coffee and 2 donuts that I had no idea if he would actually eat or not. We got the balloon the day before and I really didn't think that it would make it to the morning. Ellis didn't want to put it down.
He even carried the balloon and the card in to wake Daddy up when we got home. Ellis hopped right up into bed with him and assisted with blowing out the candles. We even had to blow them out twice becasue it was so much fun.
The rest of the morning Trevor and Ellis entertained one another with golf lessons and some fun in the backyard. There was a slight oops that you may be able to spot in some of the following pictures. Ellis was running on the back patio and took a tumble right into the landscaping rock corners. He has a new red rub mark right between his eyes.
After nap time we went straight into the closing. Ellis was really good and it went pretty smoothly. From the closing we went to have Birthday dinner at GG's with Rick, Nancy, Kat, and of course GG. GG had an airplane out for Ellis to play with that was actually Grandpa Henry's when he was a little boy. He of course loved that and took his usual seat at her house with his big boy cup of water with ice.
After dinner he helped Dad blow out the candles again but was not very big on the singing of Happy Birthday, he cried all the way through it.
All in all I think he had an okay birthday and to make it even better Kelli and Steve watched Ellis for us tonight and we went to PF Changs.....yum yum.....the only bad part is that I have to go to the doctor again on Monday. Another weigh in....argh.


Anonymous said...

I had two great B-Day's and fill no "ill" effects from becoming another year older? I think the saddest I have been is over the balding spot I have grown in the last couple of years.
We really love the new house and yes, there will be pictures to come.
We have been deciding on paint for the rooms, all in all I really enjoyed just spending the day with my family.
Tonight I went in to check on Ellis, sense we were not here to put him down and he is so big in his bed...he is really cute!

The Birthday Boy

Anonymous said...

Love it! Looks like the bday was super fun! When is moving day? Can't wait to see the pics!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

I think I should send the helmet! Poor little guy! I'll take bumps, scrapes and bruises over broken bones and blood anyday! But I have a feeling those might be coming down the road. Love all the 30's...a birthday to remember for sure. Looks like a great day. And Cassie, don't worry about the DR...remember that you are eating for two...that makes it all right!

katy said...

Cassie! Your family is so cute and you look great! I don't know if you remember me from 2nd Front, Katy Bailey (now Durec)? I'm glad to see you're doing so well! :) Congrats on your beautiful family!

O'ma & O'pa said...

Ellis doesn't look like his most recent injury kept him from having a great time on his Dad's special birthday! (But, Wammy's helmet might help out alot.)
Cassie, weigin's are the pits!!! I'm sure the main thing is that you are eating healthy - most of the time!

Love Ya!