Friday, July 06, 2007

If it weren't for tractors

Whats a kid to do? I'm pretty sure they don't make belts in size 18 months-2T but Ellis is in need of one anyhow. The poor thing. Those shorts are 9mo. and they still don't fit him. He was sagging all day yesterday, and I know that it looks like he is trying to pull them down but I honestly think that he was just looking for something that would work for him. At lest when he gets older his pants will be made in waist and length sizes and he won't be stuck shopping in the kid dept. just because he is to thin.

On a side note to the skinny of him. He was eating great for lunch today when our little world stopped and time stood still, life and lunch would never be the same again. A tractor came driving by the kitchen window and stopped and parked right in front of us. Who in their right mind can stay seated in their high chair for a measley lunch of pizza and pears when there is a real live tractor right outside your window that just must be waved at and pointed out over and over again. Like I said, lunch was over!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Ever think of using a bungee...we use them for everything...just ask Michael..need to hook up your wagon to your big wheel, need to take a water bottle on a bike ride...need to tie up your best buddy...the list goes on and on. Love the tractor story! Been there done engines, dogs, tractors, trains, dogs, cats, wild birds, name it!

sheltonfamily said...

I think Ellie and Ellis could be in the same "shrimp" size together. I'm hoping Ellie is 20 lbs. by 2 years old which is on August 5th. I need to figure out what to do for her birthday? Any ideas? I put Ellie on a tractor last night at Lowe's. She really liked it, but she calls them all cars. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yeah it is rough being thin. He must get that from me.