Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Our Awesome Fourth

We packed our Fourth of July with tons of fun. This morning we went shopping to get all of the supplies for Trevor's one and only favorite dessert that we would take over to a family from the church's house. Ellis wasn't to excited that he couldn't get his hands in to help with the dessert so we fixed him up with a bowl of ice cream on floor at our feet. We didn't hear a peep out of him after that.

I guess you could say that was lunch, but Kelli said that was okay because it was a holiday. This picture is actually just a frame in the movie that Trevor took of him. It is hillarious, he is off in his own little world drinking was was left in his bowl.

After all three of us took a nap we met Steve and Kelli at the Frederick Fourth Celebration so we could see the Luke Ham Sandwich Band. They are the family that we would be going to their house for dinner but first we got to see the family band perform at the park. They have 8 kids and as you can see in the picture they all sing and play instruments. After the concert we stopped off at Dairy Queen to spoil our dinner with ice cream. This was our fourth trip to DQ this week!!! I think Ellis knows where it is because when we got close he started going "ummm."
The cook out was a hit with Ellis because they live on a large piece of land and own a tractor to cut their lawn. Steve took him out after dinner so he could "drive". Tractor is actually one of his new words so I'm sure you can imagine how often we heard it tonight. He ended up making another trip to the tractor with Trevor a little later on.

After they had been gone driving the tractor for a while I saw Trevor off in the distance pushing Ellis around the lake in a car. Ellis was all kicked back with his feet up relaxing and enjoying his ride. As they got closer every time they stopped I could hear him saying more more more. Well he is in luck because I guess they saw how much he liked it let us borrow it for a while so tomorrow I'm sure I will be stolling up the street with the bug driving his little heart out.
Just thought you may like to see the view we got to enjoy. The mountains were off to the side with the lake sitting in front of them. As the older kids were preparing all of the fireworks we watched a storm move in over the mountains just as the sun was setting. I must say I have found a place that can compete with a Kentucky sunset.


Anonymous said...

the singing video was priceless. Oh and you were good too!!! Peep has been talking about it for a week. Cas when ya look in the dictionary under Great mom it has your picture. I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

You made me I know that you really love CO...KY second best...guess Em will have to find another t-shirt....Ellis, what can I cream all the way....I wonder why my sister never leaves me little messages...