Monday, July 09, 2007

Things that go

You already know that Ellis loves tractors and big trucks, but I have pretty much decided he like anything that goes. Last night the object of choice was a skateboard. A few of the students that come to the Sunday night service bring their skateboards with them and Ellis loves to watch them do all of their tricks. Trevor took him for a spin while he was standing up but he did a much better job when he sat down for a ride.

This morning we took Kelli to the airport so that she could go see a certain little one that has a birhtday coming up. When Ellis got up this morning we told him what we were going to do today and he ran in to give Kelli his airplane pj's. After we dropped her off we stopped on the side of the road so that he could see a few planes take off. He made his airplane noise for twenty minutes after leaving the airport. It sounds a lot like the espresso machine at Starbucks.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I can see it now...Trevor you better get you PDA programed with the quickest route to the hospital. I love it, love it love it! Always wanted Cassie to be blessed with a son that was half as wonderful as her oldest little brother.

Anonymous said...


Love your pictures and stories about the "bug"! Keep them coming!