Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Home again....for a little while

I really regret not being able to post about our last two days in Cincy but my camera broke and in my opinion the stories just aren't the same if you can't see them in action. Thankfully I know a guy who works for Circuit City and he set me up with the bigger and better camera in the same series as our old one.
That same guy that set me up also made sure that Ellis got a few must haves before leaving. This is Ellis and Michael playing a game that we made up together. They hold on to one anothers shirts, march around the house and then say "choo choo." I don't know if Ellis went an hour today without saying something about Michael. I know that Michael will be enjoying our time away but Ellis can't wait to see Uncle Michael again.
I guess Pappy thought Ellis and I hadn't had enough ice cream on our trip so we made one last stop at Dairy Queen and this time Ellis got his own come....chocolate with sprinkles.
The cone was just about to get the best of him when Pappy got him a spoon so that he could finish it off. I was amazed over the week and a half at how many words Ellis picked up but even with all of our practicing he still wasn't ever able to say Gammy. On our last day he got out "Wammy" and it is really growing on me. I just think its cute.
Our last day was spent at the train store and making sure we had everything. Our plane didn't leave until almost 8 pm so we had time to spend with everyone in the evening and even made one last trip out to eat. I thought for sure that Ellis would sleep on the plane after the crazy busy week we had but a little girl his age sat behind us and they ended up flirting with one another the whole flight. By the time we got to baggage claim and met Trevor he was staring into no man's land. When we got to the car Trevor was loading our suitcases and Ellis saw his mower. He was at the breaking point so we let him hold it on his lap in his car seat. By the time we were out of the parking garage the mower had hit the floor and Ellis was out.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Ellis looks so tired with his mower. I think by that thime that night I felt the same way. I am still finding things,...just putting them in the drawer for the next trip. Michael is counting down the days for our next field trip to Louisville to pick up the cargo.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

So I guess it is official...he can say everything including chocolate, but he can't say Gammy...so I guess we have a Wammy.

Anonymous said...

Wammy is super cute! He looks tired, but I think we all are at that time of night. I am glad you had fun and will get to visit again soon...when do you move?

Anonymous said...

It was a fun trip, but it is nice to have them home, like it says for a little while, the busy life of a youth minister affords me one more week of camp. No lie, we will return 53 hours before they go to school...give or take an hour.


O'ma & O'pa said...

So glad you had such a great time with your "Wammy" and Pappy.......and.....you had a safe flight home to Trevor!

Love Ya!