Saturday, July 21, 2007

The love of Michael

Yesterday was a busy day around here but none of it was really fun. I had been waiting to get here to get my cell phone fixed so I spent most of the day at the Sprint store and mom and the boys spent most of the day in the Sprint store parking lot. I had to add this picture from our evening though because my dad is determined to not be outdone by the Oakes Broncos. He insits that Ellis have at least one article of clothing with the Cincinnati Reds and one with the Cincinnati Bengals. My parents neighbors from WI are coming next weekend to visit and go to a Reds vs. Brewers game so we made sure to get everyone ready for the game with some new Reds attire and Ellis got in on the action as well getting one shirt to fit now and another for a few years down the road.
Today was pretty layed back as well, but it was a nice change from all of the craziness that we have been into for the last week. Dad didn't have to be at work until noon so we decided to go to the park for a little bit this morning. Surprisingly Ellis didn't even go down one "wee" but instead he ran back and forth from one steering wheel to another driving.
After all of the fun at the park Ellis mom and I were worn out. We made it back to the house in time for dad to pack his lunch and head to work and the rest of us to get a bite to eat and then down for a nap. Ellis slept almost 4 hrs so when he got up it was time for a snack and to head out the door for church.
Yesterday while I was dealing with Sprint mom had to take the boys to the bathroom so they walked over to Old Navy to browse as well. Later on I heard Michael in the back seat say "what happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's." I was cracking up thinking that he came up with that one on his own but my mom said it was on a shirt at Old Navy. Tonight after dinner I was thinking that we might have to go back and purchase that shirt.
My favorite word that Ellis has learned while we have been here is "treat." Not only does he seem to have a treat in his hand after every meal but somehow he also seems to get treats when the dog does too. When they are trying to get the dog to come upstairs, or come inside they say "Here Ella, want a treat." Ellis hears treat and he thinks that is his cue. I think life is about to change for him in a few days......"What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's!!!
This is the Bugs new trick. Michael was showing off riding his bike with no hands and so Ellis had to come up with something to match it. I think the wheelie really did the trick and it definately got the reaction he was looking for.


Anonymous said...

Loved the "wheelie" pic! Ellis is learning so many big boy things from Michael..... he's really going to miss pal'in around with him when you get back to Colorado!!
The Old Navy t-shirt with the "grandma" slogan sounds like just the shirt for the Bug. Too bad he doesn't really understand what that means... but... everyone else would.

Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

So, I think my favorite pic I have seen in a long while is the one with him and the icecream, he is so cute. Good thing he has a helmet, go wheelie time!

I hope you are having fun! Soak up the extra hands...they go away in 30 hrs.


sheltonfamily said...

Do we ever understand "treats"... Ellie has had m&m's, ice cream, cake, movies, etc... almost everyday! She also has not been in bed before 9:30 almost every night! It is so fun though... I saw your REDS shirts. Ask your family if they've heard of Josh Hamilton this year. He used to go to our church in Raleigh and our pastor has been infuential in his life. I'm sure they've heard of him cause he's the great "comeback" of the year from drugs, alcohol, etc.. He's a really strong Christian now! Ellis hair has gotten so blonde! It looks really cute! Enjoy your time and thanks for the birthday advice!

leigh ann said...

oh my gosh cassie. hot mama? you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

I love it! The ice cream picture is just too cute...his feet look huge! :o) His bicycle trick is great...I can just see him getting excited with all of the cheering! Have a safe trip home!

Anonymous said...

we had so much fun with you I can not wait till you come back! Maybe you should try to work with Ellis on saying things like... Emmy is my favorite!