Thursday, June 07, 2007

We are here

For those of you who know about Trevor's sleeping habits you will never believe me when I tell you that it was only 8 am when I talked him into taking Ellis to the pool at our hotel on the way here. He wasn't that excited about my idea but as you can see he warmed up to with Ellis' laughter. He loved hanging out with his Daddy in the "bathtub". I guess our plan of wearing him out worked because he slept nearly the whole way here.
I can't say that his sleeping has been that great in the last few days though. I think he is having a hard time getting used to the time change. It is only an hour difference but it has caught him by surprise. This morning he was jumping in his bed ready to pass me the football at 5:30. I'm sure that he will get used to it eventually but if anyone has any ideas for me I would love to hear them.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I guess we should investigate getting some kind of pool for the little fish, he and Uncle Michael will have a ball!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you did get him up that early to swim, but it definitely looks like it worth it. Ellis looks so happy! I hope everything is going okay so far in CO and that the house hunting is giong well! We miss you guys!

sheltonfamily said...

I am glad your trip went well... It's fun driving across Kansas huh? I would try keeping Ellis up an hour later and see if he'll sleep later. Ellie normally will since she's more tired. Enjoy CO!

Miss Kendra said...

Should I send the pics to Trevor's email? Tell my little buddy I miss him.

Miss Yvonne said...

There's a type of tea called sleepy time. I used to brew it and put an ice cube in it for my kids half an hour before bed time. It used to work well. Let me know if you can't find it there, and I will send you some.