Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wow he has energy

I have my first CO cold....that is, my first this time. On my way to church tonight I was thinking how every time I have been to CO I have gotten sick. Well maybe not every time. My first trip was in youth group and I don't remember getting sick then. The second trip was with Young Life and the last two days I got a horrible cold. It was so bad that I took another leaders "miracle drug" and slept all the way down the mountain until our lunch stop in St. Louis. Needless to say my ears never had a chance to pop and I couldn't hear for 2 days. Trip number 3 was our honeymoon and I can't blame it all on CO, I think that the lack of sleep before the wedding should take some of the blame. My fourth time in CO was Trevor's family reunion 2 years ago and I got such a bad ear infection that I ended up putting my nephew Henry's ear drops in my ear just to numb the pain. I've only visited for 1 week time spans so hopefully living here will build up my immune system and I will be indestructable. Okay I know what you are thinking, enough complaining!
Ellis has a new buddy and his name is Steve. Steve is who we are living with for a while and Ellis is so enthralled with him. Steve rides his bike to work and Ellis loves the bike, the helmet, and Steve. Today Steve unknowingly introduced Ellis to a new favorite thing. He was watchign a bike race that he had recorded and when Ellis caught a glance of the tv he couldn't get enough. He never got more than a foot away from the tv and kept saying "bike, bike bike" until Steve taught him how to say "go, go, go". When it came to a commercial he would turn to look at Steve and scream "more, more, more". I couldn't get over how much he loved it. I think we will definately have to attend a bike race while he is still infatuated, but he may come back with no voice!

After the bike racing fun he was all wound up so he went for a ride in a little rocking chair that the Kings have from when Steve was young. It is really easy to rock but Ellis seems to always exaggerate it.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Hope you are feeling better today. Give your cold about ten days and hopefully it will be gone. Does the change in altitude effect you at all? I remember in Estes Park being told something about your colon....?

I love the rocking chair. It is really cool.

Happy house hunting!

Anonymous said...

Reading this blog makes me want to come visit right now...seeing home is definitely hard, but I am glad you are enjoying it so much. I know my dad is enjoying having Ellis there as much as Ellis is enjoying it. Have fun house hunting...I'll try to call you later!