Monday, June 04, 2007

On the Move

I guess you can tell by my lack of blogging that we have been very busy packing up the house and tying up loose ends. The good news is that the house sold on Friday and that was a huge blessing for Trevor and I. Saturday we spent most of the morning and early afternoon packing. I have to tell you that it took me promising a breakfast picnic of powdered donuts and yogurt to get the boys out of bed and even then they only moved to the guest bed but with a few of my "pep talks" they were on the move packing everything in sight. Saturday after the bug woke up from his nap we went to the fabric store to find some material for my mom to start on Ladybug's' crib set. Ellis had way more fun hanging out on the fire truck that was parked outside. I think he may have a hard time getting used to sharing the spotlight with someone else! On a side note, check out those shoes. Ellis wears a size 5, the shoes are a 7 but I think that you can see what is on the guessed it, a ball. If they are anywhere in sight when we are putting his shoes on these are the shoes he will be wearing!
I loved these three pictures that Trevor took. Ellis loves his new toddler bed, although I think we are going to wait just a little while longer to start sleeping in it, and he thought packing his own suitcase was great.

I had never realized how many trains you could hear go by in our house until Ellis started hearing them for me. He loves choo choos, fire trucks, lions, and I'm sure this comes as no surprise......balls. I guess we are going to have to get oma and gammy working on a quilt or two for his new bed. I wonder if they can some how fit all of those together? Oh maybe just go with the sure bet of balls.
Sunday was a long and bitter sweet day for us. The church had a luncheon for us after the service where they gave us a really neat plate that my mom would have died to have in WI. It has 3 sunflowers on it and says Trevor Cassie, and Ellis Love TCCC family. We then tried to thank them for all that they have done for us, which was nearly impossible! They are an incredible group of peopIe and we are so sad to leave them so soon. I know we are going to miss them a ton. Ellis was showered with gifts at the luncheon and as soon as I get some pictures from Kendra I will post them. He got a Toddler Bible that I know he is going to love, animal crackers, goldfish, a KU ball, and a KSU ball cap. I feared for his life after church because I took him to the grocery store with me and he was wearing his new hat and carrying his new ball. All around town they have these little signs in the front yard that say house divided and have a jayhawk and wildcat on them. I guess he is a child divided and has no idea which way to choose. As for the picture above, it shows you a little of what we did after church. The box was mine and the bed was theirs. Boys sure are hard to motivate.
This morning Trevor and I were up bright and early getting things finished before the crew showed up to help us load the truck. When Ellis got up he went straight to work "helping" daddy take apart the table. He is so smart, He wasn't just playing with the screwdriver like I expcted him to, he was actually putting it right over a screw and then trying to twist just like he saw his Dad doing.
This shirt was another of the gifts Ellis got before we left. Jan said she knew that the shirt wouldn't impress him so she was smart enough to give him a ball to go with it. I guess he and his ball infatuation have quite the reputation. Ellis spent most of the day at Camdyn's house with Camdyn and Ms. Sarah. She said he only slept about an hour and a half but that he was good. I'm just glad that he got to go over there one more time, he loves Camdyn's spoon drawer and her high chair! I know he is a weird kid. Unfortunately I left the camera in the diaper bag so I didn't get any pictures of our moving crew but they were great! We had a bit of a glitch with the truck but thankfully people were able to stick around and help out so that we were on our way with no other problems. Now we are in a hotel in Salina. We didn't get as far as we would have liked but Ellis was ready to stop. He must have been starving.....well I guess we all were. He ate a whole Lunchable (minus one peice of turkey and three crackers) and Trevor and I both had our own foot long subs. I haven't eaten a footlong since high school and now ladybug is telling me that I maybe shouldn't try it again any time soon. Say a prayer for us tommorow as we cross the state line.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you at least got to drive a little ways. It was so sad saying goodbye, but easier with the thought that we will see you all again soon! I wish Ellis and Camdyn would be able to remember these last few months with each other...I guess they'll have to look at the pictures! Talk to you soon!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

It makes me sad to read this last post from Kansas. Kansas was great..but another adventure will be just as exciting...just a little further. I was checking your route and found that there is a ittle dot in Kansas...Ellis, that too funny.
Guess I had better start looking for fabric for another small quilt for Ellis...oh darn!

sheltonfamily said...

Moving so soon! Wow it all happened so quick. What town is it in CO? What beautiful country. How do you all always end up in Mountain areas? We talked to 2 girls from cville last night. I miss that place so much! Not FBC just cville. I'm praying for you.... I'm sure you are overwhelmed with caring for a toddler, pregnant, and moving... been there done that. It is not so fun. Oh congrats on the ladybug... any chance she might be Ellie? ha ha!

Anonymous said...


TCCC was such a great place for you and they treated you so well! I'm glad you had good help loading the truck! Hope LifeBridge has a good crew to help you unload.

Were you able to get into a motel pool with Ellis on Monday or were you too tried once you got there?

We've been keeping you in our prayers... and we're anxious to hear how things are going for you! See you soon!!!